MOA DEI Committee Resource: Health Equity Film Reviews

A Quick Overview of films the committee has brought to the MOA community so far

The MOA DEI Committee has committed to raising awareness of issues of equity impacting our communities as well as creating more inclusivity, representation and space to learn and grow together within our organization. The committee has primarily learned through watching and sharing documentary films on health equity issues and sharing these with additional more local conversations at our major MOA educational events. Below is an overview and summary of the films we have featured and used as learning opportunities. 

  • Dawnland: Emmy award winning film produced in Maine by the Wabanaki REACH. Includes first person narratives of indigenous people who survived the cultural imperialism of residential schools, and describes the process of healing and reconciliation. Demonstrates organized efforts by citizens of the Wabanaki nation and some allies.
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  • Black Men in White Coats: Black men represent only 1 % of the medical student population in the country. This advocacy group seeks to change that by creating opportunities for Black boys to meet adult male physicians and experience support of that professional journey. The leaders assert "you can't be what you can't see", recognizing the importance of role modeling.
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  • Belly of the Beast: Documents the forced sterilization practices of women who are incarcerated. The film involves interviews with medical professionals, women who have been impacted by this practice and the legal organizations which have been formed to address reparation. It also explores the disproportionate impact incarceration and sterilization programs have had on women of color.
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  • Crip Camp: named after an affectionate term for a 1970s summer camp which had served teens with disabilities. Through raised awareness of their peers at camp, several of them became adults who worked as activists addressing inequities in access and representation of people with disabilities. This includes footage of Judy Heumann, a prominent and "unrepentant" disability rights activist who published the memoir "Being Heumann".
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee 

Committee Charge: Raising awareness of issues of equity impacting our communities; Creating more inclusivity, representation and space to learn and grow together within our organization.

Meetings: Regular meetings are open to all MOA members, check the MOA calendar for upcoming meetings. Or Sign Up to join the committee listerv!

Committee Chair: Karen Benezra, D.O.